You can be a beautiful flower blossoming all year round!

You can do something that feels impossible!

I will be with you every step of the way, working through the things that hold you back!

Let's blossom together.

Picture of Coach Mindy Before and After THM

Welcome! I'm Coach Mindy. I have been following Trim Health Mama for over 9 years. During that time, I lost almost 60 pounds, only to "get too busy" and have a surprise pregnancy and gain it all back. But being a Trim Healthy Mama is for life! I have had the privilege of seeing that it works twice now.

I have learned so much in this process. It has been a switch from desiring to only lose weight and be "skinny" to wanting to be healthier for myself and my family! I want to help other women find out how to blossom into health!!

Certified THM Coach

What IS Trim Health Mama??

Cherry Blossoms
  • A low-glycemic healthy eating lifestyle (not a diet)
  • A plan that embraces all food groups
  • Meals are centered around protein
  • A lifetime approach to finding health, not getting skinny
  • Food FREEDOM!